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(178403) Qmlativ Changing Grades in a Closed Grading Period – Online Session
March 5
Description: During this 1-hour, online ZOOM session, the presentation will focus on ways to give teachers grace periods to complete score entry at the end of a Grading Period. As well as opening a locked Grading Period after it has closed for all or selected teachers to allow students to turn in missing work and/or improve their grades. We’ll look at the two options to administratively approve grade changes. Finally, we’ll finish by viewing some of the reporting options available. Note: This feature works for both Standards Based and Secondary Gradebooks. During this session all examples will be using the Secondary <a href=" Zoom" target="_blank" title="Gradebook.
Zoom Model: This is a presentation only ZOOM session. To ensure you receive the maximum benefit from your attendance, please find a quiet place while attending this session allowing you to fully participate without <a href="" target="_blank" title="interruption.
Target Audience: Registrars, Office staff responsible for the grading cycle
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