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Qmlativ Scheduling Basics Current Year Part 2 of 2 – Online Session
January 30, 2024
Description: This online ZOOM session is for buildings that do scheduling for the new year without using future scheduling tools. This can be elementary, middle schools, high schools and alternative schools that do “hand scheduling by individual students” or schedule by class roster. Learn to use utilities to schedule students in bulk. Print class rosters and schedules. The remainder of the class will give users time to work on their actual schedules in live data with the instructor available for questions.
Zoom Model: This is a hands-on ZOOM session (to fully participate we recommend having access to two screens – one to see the presenter’s screen and a second to have a screen to work in the data, headset with Mic or speakers and mic on the computer).
Prerequisite: Qmlativ Scheduling Basics Current Year (1 of 2)
Series Includes: Scheduling Basics Current Year 1, Scheduling Basics Current Year 2
Target Audience: Building secretaries, registrars and counselors that do scheduling
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